Points System

Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful. Badges appears on your profile page, questions & answers.

  • 10Points

    For Signing up.

  • 5Points

    For adding a new post.

  • 5Points

    For referring a new user.

  • 3Points

    When your answer has been chosen as the best answer.

  • 2Points

    For adding an answer.

  • 1Point

    For adding a new question.

  • 1Point

    Your question gets a vote.

  • 1Point

    For choosing a poll on the question.

  • 1Point

    Your answer gets a vote.

  • 1Point

    Each time when a user follows you.

  • 1Point

    For adding your social media links to your profile.

Badges System

Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful. Badges appears on your profile page, questions & answers.

  • Bronze
    10 Points

    You've just embarked on your educational journey in our community.

  • Silver Student
    50 Points

    Your commitment to learning is shining brightly.

  • Gold Scholar
    100 Points

    You've displayed dedication to expanding your knowledge.

  • Diamond Scholar
    200 Points

    You are a true diamond in our educational community.

  • Platinum Mentor
    300 Points

    Your knowledge and guidance are invaluable to our community.

  • Top Contributor
    1,000 Points

    You're the cream of the educational crop!